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Communications Committee
Committee Chair

About The Committee
The communications committee is responsible for guiding communications with the Local Elected Council Officers and other Committee Chairs, including the website, Social Media page(s), E-lines, news columns and other means of information sharing.
What We Do:
What We Do For You!
The Communications Committee is responsible for overseeing the development and coordination of all communication with the Local Elected Council Officers. Develop a comprehensive communications plan, send communications electronically, create enhance, and maintain website, Facebook, E-line, and The Conversation.
Our Main Goal:
We've Got Stuff Going On!
The communications committee’s goal is to clearly communicate and actively share the Local Elected Council Officers and Committee Chairs information and outcomes to all flight attendants
through talks, presentations, videos, E-lines, the website, and social media.
Looking Ahead:
We're Working On Stuff!
Develop a comprehensive communication plan.
Send communications electronically.
Create, enhance, and maintain website, Facebook, and E-line.
Enhance The Conversation monthly segments.
Call To Action!
Hey Atlanta, We Need Your Help, NOW!
Build positive relations between the Local Elected Councils and Flight Attendants.
Ensure communications is published in a timely manner.
Coordinate with Committee Chairs and Reps to post materials/information on the Local
Council 49 Webpage as a home for all substantive area knowledge sharing.