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The Delta Disparity Difference

Equal Work, Equal Pay - It's Time To Bridge The Gap!


Hello! I’m Billy Hennessey, the LEC President serving the Flight Attendants of Atlanta. I’m here today to ask you to help us bring an end to the Delta Disparity Difference. This webpage that you’re on right now outlines exactly what our campaign is. My goal is to end our struggle but I cannot do it alone. I need all of your help. The Union cannot fight alone. It takes UNITY to win this battle. Unity holds the key to victory. We will only get the things we deserve by standing together. It’s time to bridge the gap between us and our mainline counterparts. Stand with me on October 3rd, 2024 at Delta Headquarters and Atlanta Airport! Thank you!

What exactly is the Delta Disparity Difference?


What is the Delta Disparity Difference?


The Delta Disparity Difference is our campaign that shows Delta’s corporate greed and how Endeavor Flight Attendants are the ones suffering on the front line! The information listed below is just the start of the DDD Campaign and what we’re fighting for. It’s time to bridge the gap between Delta and its wholly owned subsidiaries. We are Delta. We keep climbing but we’re not getting anywhere. 

Hourly Pay Rates

Our Mainline counterparts get paid an average of $10 to $40 an hour MORE (depending on their seniority) than Endeavor Flight Attendants for doing the exact same job. (See Chart on this page)

Profit Sharing 

Our Mainline counterparts enjoy an annual profit sharing check each February based on the profits Delta Air Lines as a whole. Endeavor, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Delta and contributes heavily to Delta’s profit, yet we receive absolutely no profit sharing. 

Note: The average profit sharing check for our Mainline counterparts was approximately $14,000.

Duty Rigs

If a Mainline Flight Attendant is on Duty for 12 hours and only fly 2 hours, they get paid for 6. We get paid for 4.This is particularly important for IROPs. 

Travel Benefits 

Our Mainline counterparts enjoy a higher boarding priority and the ability to travel at an S2 several times a year. Endeavor Flight Attendants are only able to S3A on Mainline and S3 on our own metal despite the fact that our seniority may be higher, we still get a lower boarding priority. 

Safety factors

The majority of Mainline aircraft has blocked “Turbulence Seats” for the safety of their Flight Attendants while Endeavor Flight Attendants are not permitted to sit on passenger seats as a part of the company’s policy. 

On-Board Crew Meals

Our Mainline counterparts enjoy Crew Meals that are boarded on their flights when they have long duty periods and are unable to make it to a crew room. Endeavor Flight Attendants are left to fend for themselves.

This campaign continues to grow as more issues are identified. Our Flight Attendants MUST stand together every single day and Bridge The Gap between us and Mainline. 

It is time to Bridge The Gap and put an end to Delta's Corporate Greed! 

Delta Airlines flies 4000 Flights Daily. Endeavor Air flies 700 Flights Daily. That means that roughly 18% of Delta's daily departures on on an Endeavor Aircraft which means that Endeavor Flight Attendants plays a vital role each year to ensure Delta's bottom line is profitable and that our Ontime And Safety Performance remains top notch. That said, we have Flight Attendants who are on Public Assistance, living in their cars, sleeping on the floors at airport and it's all because we don't get paid enough to survive. Meanwhile, Delta just posted record breaking profits in the recovery of pandemic. 

We’re Endeavor, not Delta. But…

  • We fly on aircraft 100% owned by Delta.

  • We only serve Delta passengers.

  • We only read Delta announcements.

  • We only use Delta Branded items. 

  • We use Delta Skypro’s.

  • We only serve Delta snacks.

  • We only wear Delta uniforms. 

  • We’re held accountable to the Delta Operations Standards.

  • Delta decides where we fly.

  • Delta decides when we leave.

  • Our own CEO isn’t even an employee at Endeavor, he works for Delta. 

  • The one and only source of income Endeavor has is from Delta. 

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