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Reserve Committee Resources
FLICA Folders
1. The “Trades Between FAs – Giveaway Picked up Trip” folder is for requests between two FAs that involve trips coded as P10. So if you are trying to take a trip from someone or give away a trip, and it is coded as P10 it would go in this folder.
2. The “Trades Between FAs – All Other” folder is for requests between two FAs that involve trips that are coded as anything other than P10, such as AWD, ADD, TTA, or OT0.
3. The “OT – Full Trip Requests” folder is for requests that involve either picking up a trip from open time, swapping a current trip on your schedule with another trip in open time, or dropping a trip into open time.
4. The “OT & Trade – Partial Requests” folder is for requests that involve partial trips in both open time and with other FAs. So you could be picking up, swapping, or dropping part of a trip, or trading part of a trip with another FA.
5. The “Reserve Swaps and Drops” folder is for dropping reserve days or swapping them to other days in the bid month.
6. The “Reserve – Uneven Trades” folder is for requests where one FA is trading reserve days to another FA. This could be either a one sided trade where a FA gives away reserve days and takes nothing back in return, or they can trade their reserve days for a trip that the other FA has on their schedule.