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Reserve Committee
Committee Chair
About The Committee
The Reserve committee is here to assist with any concerns, questions, and issues that deal with reserve life. This includes any tips or tricks that can make a Flight Attendant's quality of life better. Being the LEC Reserve Chair means I am here for any Flight Attendant that wants to understand how current reserve works. This is important for those that are new and assigned a reserve schedule, but as well for those that routinely bid reserve or even line holders that occasionally trade for reserve. The dynamics of reserve change and I want to ensure all flight attendants understand the ramifications of such changes. Having a thorough comprehension of how all flight attendants are treated by the current contract, regardless of seniority, makes for a stronger workforce. My committee is here to help ease the transition into being a reserve flight attendant, along with fulfilling the need to educate all Flight Attendants.
What We Do:
What We Do For You!
In the first 3 months as Reserve Chair, my number one goal is to focus on education with a specific target on reducing
the number of NAFs that reserve Flight Attendants are receiving. This is incredibly important because it not only affects the company running smoothly but it affects the flight attendant and their co-workers. By instilling a sense of urgency to reduce NAFs and be more accountable, and reliable, it reinforces that even if you don't
meet your coworkers often, or know all their names, you impact their work day. Being responsible for yourself, and understanding what is expected of you, brings everyone together instead of dividing them.
Our Main Goal:
We've Got Stuff Going On!
I want to have platforms that I can actively be involved in and known as a resource for our Flight Attendants. Samantha, our MEC Reserve Chair, has already started a wonderful Facebook group that is constantly being used for those with questions. I want sit down with Tommie Banks on “The Conversation” to introduce myself to
flight attendants and have them know I am a reference point for their questions and concerns. I also want to create reference guides that break down the CBA and FLICA into easier to understand portions. Between word documents and videos I hope to have Flight Attendants accessing their resources comfortably.
Looking Ahead:
We're Working On Stuff!
We plan on hosting joint Zoom Monthly Meetings to answer questions that Reserve Flight Attendants may have. They are usually scheduled in the middle of the month to coincide with Samantha's "Life On Reserve" Zoom.
Call To Action!
Hey Atlanta, We Need Your Help, NOW!
If I can only ask for one thing, I would ask Flight Attendants to read the CBA and LOAs and note any questions they have. It could be about anything in the contract but they need to read it slowly and thoughtfully. Anything they don't understand they can bring to me for discussion. Comprehending the CBA is a huge task, initially, but
once they are comfortable with it they will have a drastically better quality of life and expectations of their job.
Let your voice be heard! Take this survey focused on Reserve work and quality of life so we can collect, analyze, and escalate your problems! We can't fix the issue if you don't let us know!
Take The Scheduling Reserve Survey Today! Click Here
Resources For Reserve Flight Attendants
Your Reserve Committee is here to ensure that our Flight Attendants have every question they have answered. Below is our resources that we've made available to you so that you can find answers right at your fingertips!
If you're on Reserve, it's important to know if, when and how you'll be called. This section explains the Reserve Order Of Assignments for both at Home Reserve and Airport Standby.
If you're trying to Pick Up, Drop or Swap, you must have an understanding on which folder in FLICA to process your request. This section explains each folder within FLICA.
Download FLICA Overview Guide Download FLICA Crew Resource Report
If you're seeing a code on your schedule and you're unsure what it means, Crew Scheduling uses various codes and this section explains what each of those codes are. Note: This is for CrewTrac only and codes may appear differently in FLICA or FC View.
If you've looked at your Paystub, you're probably wondering what all those codes are! We have compiled a list of the most commonly used codes. This section explains what each Payroll Code is.
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